Friday 13 January 2017

9 ways to kick your January blues

So... the festive season is over, the decorations are down, and it is so damn cold outside. But January doesn't have to be miserable! In fact, the start of a new year can be the perfect time to sort out and de-clutter your life, as well as relax and unwind after the busy festive period.

Here are 9 things you can be doing this month to help brighten up your dreary January!

1. Personal admin
One of the first things I like to do in January is a to-do list, and a general sort out of my finances. Although this may sound like a bit of a drag, it is the best way to feel productive and on top of things after the crazy chaos of Christmas/New Year. 

2. Declutter 
Less mess means less stress! January is the perfect time to clear out all the things you don't need anymore. If you don't have time for a huge clear-out or the thought of that sends you into a spin, take it one step at a time. I guarantee you will feel great for it afterwards.

3. Get active
I know it is one of those cliché things - join a gym in January, go a couple of times, never go again, end up wasting an eye-watering amount of money. We've all been there! But I think the key to it is to do something you enjoy, whether that is going for a swim, Zumba classes, yoga, even just getting outside and going for a stroll. If you have a gym membership and you don't enjoy using the gym, you are far less likely to keep going beyond January. As much as it can be a slog getting the motivation to exercise especially when it is cold and dreary, getting active can really help lift your mood - and even better if you do it with a friend! 

yoga fitness exercise health working out pose girl woman stretch grass outdoors nature sky clouds sunshine summer sunglasses fashion

4. Spend time with your friends
Just because you are skint doesn't mean sit in on your own and wallow away the hours. If anyone can cheer you up, it's your mates, and you are all in the same boat. Doing things with them doesn't have to be expensive - go for a drive, have a movie night in, or even just go for a stroll around town.

5. Reflect on all the positive things that have happened in the past year
It's important to take the time to reflect on how far you have come, not just where you plan to go. Make a list of all the great things you did in 2016, and things that you did that make you proud. That can really kick-start your confidence when thinking about what you want to achieve in the year ahead.

Image may contain: 1 person, standing

(In 2016, I graduated!)

6. Write down your goals for the year ahead 
The whole idea of 'New Year's Resolutions' has become another cliché now, but rather than thinking of things that you want to change, I find that it really helps me to feel better by looking ahead to the year of things that I would like to achieve, and how I will be able to achieve them. Make manageable goals - so you don't feel like a failure if your goal of running the London Marathon doesn't come to fruition straight away. 

7. Plans for the year ahead  
Make some solid plans so that you have things to look forward to in the year ahead. Get a calendar and write all the important dates, birthdays, holidays, trips and events that you have planned, and if you haven't got much planned, then get together with your friends and think about things you would like to do. Festivals, weekends away, particular events that you want to go to. There are some great deals knocking about this month so it is a great time to get planning.

apple mac computer keyboard mouse ipad calendar technology desk office business

8. Eat well
By this I mean not just going on some crazy fad diet that will only last a few weeks. Just increase your fruit and veg intake, eat less junk and drink more water! Look up wholesome recipes that look good, and take the time to go out and buy everything that you need on your weekly shop. Being more organised in this area and thinking about your meals in advance will ensure that you don't waste money and you get exactly what you need. 

orange vegetable carrot food healthy

9. Take the time to look after yourself
The Christmas period is often chaotic, and you rarely can get time just to take care of number one. Take the time in January to get on top of your skincare regime, catch up on your favourite TV shows, read a new book, relax in the bath, whack on a face mask and generally recharge!

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So there you have it - 9 ways to kick your January blues and get some order back into your life! What plans and goals do you have for the year ahead?

L x

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